
Whatcom Young Professionals provides many activities and networking events to allow Whatcom County's younger business owners and professionals in all fields to get to know each other, develop business relationships, help grow each others businesses, and get more involved in our community. The newest way to get involved is with Wyps government affairs meetings. Our first meeting was with Bellingham mayor Kelli Linville.

Whatcom Young Professionals


I got seated right next to the mayor (a little intimidating) , and after a quick lunch at Poppe's Bistro,  the mayor took questions from our small group. It was a very enlightening experience,  and I feel much more confident that our local government is  trying to head in the right direction.

If you would like to learn more about WYPS, come to one of their morning networking meetings. I Like to go to the Wednesday Morning one at the downtown Woods Coffee.

What Does Green Mean

Spring Time and Dog Hair